Sales Make The Mundane Magical

Sales Magic (2)

The magic behind business success is hard work and excitement. Listen to great business professionals long enough and you will hear grand visions, boundless enthusiasm, and mesmerizing storytelling. Storytelling is the hallmark of business success whether the information is presented as a mission, vision, values, features, or benefits. The message must inspire belief, and then execution must deliver beyond expectations. When performed well, the results are truly magical. Whether the business grinds in a corporate hierarchy or through an inspired entrepreneur, results are the currency that matters. So, how does daily mundane execution transform into magical results?

Regardless of leadership’s charisma, spectacular business growth actually develops through repeating specific tasks with excellence. Routine execution is as much of a part of success as closing newsworthy deals. Consequently, activity must meet vision for enduring success. Fortunately, in today’s dynamic work environments, operations that encourage all employees to take ownership of customer relationships, whether internally or externally, demonstrate success. Regardless of industry, workers who cooperatively assume responsibility for delivering extraordinary outcomes create impact in the businesses where they work.

This impact occurs when contributors embrace and perform roles that they believe matter. Consequently, customer-facing employees do a better job of keeping commitments knowing that their behind-the-scenes teammates perform their duties well. While these activities may seem mundane, they are actually the equivalent of the assistant who gets sawed in half during a magic show. Without their flawless, detailed execution the whole performance dramatically fails. Frankly, any magician will confess that success depends on every performance element doing its job. The magician may take the first bow, but without coordinated execution no one gets applause, nor rewards.

Without anyone to applaud great performances are impossible. Thriving businesses realize that beyond internal communication, external communication is necessary to create awareness, then attention. Consequently, professionals with roles to attract attention must be interesting. But, before they can be interesting, they must first be interested! Big personality, high energy, power networkers are an antiquated stereotype. Effective business developers are first interested in current relationships, their industry, their prospects. Personality matters, but only when it draws attention by first being interested in connecting with others explicitly to deliver value. In networking, “No one cares how much you know, until they know how much you care.” In short, serve, then sell.

Branding is another step that sets the stage for the magic to happen. Realizing that a brand speaks on the business’ behalf in the marketplace, external messaging must be clear and consistent. Creating copy and producing visual content is tedious work. But, awesome output conjures magic once consumers experience stories that the business tells with images, words, and voices. Aligning marketing messages across medium is the next step to set the stage for magical experiences. Cooperatively completing the work of graphic artists, copywriters, and social media wizards drives directly to success. Yet, the magic only happens when people are connected in such a way that establishes trust, recognizes individual talents, and realize rewards.

Business wants to communicate with customers so that they will make decisions resulting in more sales. Whether the vehicle is clever campaigns, or engaged individuals, articulating value requires coordinated efforts of images and messages. Then, effective delivery and exceeded expectations attract relationships that exceed goals. Making the mundane magical is the heart of business success. When every business element executes with zeal, style, and success, then customers eagerly want to participate and contribute to the storytelling. Blasting that marketing message drives value, which then makes the magic happen!

By Glenn W Hunter
Managing Director of Hunter And Beyond, LLC


About Hunter & Beyond, LLC

Glenn W Hunter presents his proven perspectives on business growth. He shares skills and tactics resulting in increasing sales for organizations ranging from start-ups to large corporations. His expertise focuses on storytelling, branding and networking to cultivate relationships that lead to increased revenue.
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